
Fashion or Fraud?

A new model of sneakers called “Paris” has just been released by Balenciaga. Various brands had already designed sneakers that follow this esthetic of brand-new clothes that simulate being old or having…

Under the sea world

Here in Villalkor we celebrate aquaculture’s week. The school is full of decorations made of recycled material. Jellyfishes, handmade paper coloured fishes, amazing nature portraits, personalized boats made from the case of…

New shop that will make you say WOW

WOW concept was inaugurated last saturday. 5.500 square meters form 8 floors of fashion, beauty, technology, home decor and more…The great news is that the products sold are available both in the…

Diccionario para boomers

POR EL PILAR REPORT En 4º de ESO hemos trabajado como se forman las palabras y como la lengua va evolucionando e incorporando nuevos términos. Los adolescentes somos grandes creadores de palabras…